I've heard some "mutt"erings over the last few days from my friends who come in to visit with me about how hot it is getting outside. Summer is definitely here. And every summer, along with the heat...comes the job of the SPCA and the public to make sure that people are informed about how dangerous it is to leave their pets in the car. Did you know that the temperature in a car, even with the windows left slightly open, can rise more than 10 degrees in just a few minutes? MORE THAN 10 DEGREES! WITH THE WINDOWS LEFT SLIGHTLY OPEN! That's incredible..and deadly. Every summer, pets die in cars. We wish you would leave us at home where it's cool and safe.
I found a terrific website, with the help of some of my friends... http://www.mydogiscool.com/
It's a great site that features fliers that you can print out and give to people, signs you can post in businesses, and even a page that you can send in a pic of you and your dog with a "My Dog is Cool" poster!
I think that with everyone's help...we can save some lives. If it's hot, and you see a pet in a car..please stop and assess the situation. Don't turn a blind eye. Call the RCMP or your local shelter. This summer...let's make a difference..together.
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