On Thursday, January 12th, 2012...the NBSPCA seized another 45 dogs from neglect and abuse. 26 of those dogs have come into the care of our shelter. It was difficult to make space for everyone. But as usual, our volunteers, staff and foster parents showed the love and committment that they have for these little souls who need us so much.
Zola, a little pomeranian mix, was pregnant when she came to us. Just how pregnant, we weren't really sure. Until 2 days after she found comfort and safety with her new foster family...when she gave birth to 4 little girls and 1 little boy.
Zola is one of the lucky ones. She has a second chance. A chance to learn what the feel of grass under her feet feels like. How sweet a warm cuddle can be. The joy of treats and kisses and having her belly rubbed by people who love her. Her babies will never know what the inside of a cage looks like. And they will never have years of sadness and despair like their mom.
Please help others like Zola, and Suzabelle, and Betty and Janis....report puppy mills. It might not make a difference in your life...but it will make ALL the difference in theirs.
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