Friday, August 27, 2010

Brook-My Story Part 3

Hi everyone! Just like I promised...I came to the shelter to visit and pose for new pictures. I even had a chance to visit with some of my canine friends while I was here!

As you can see..I am doing SO well! I don't let anything at all get me down. My foster mom says that I am amazing....I think she's right. You can see the picture of her and I together too.

Thanks again everyone...see you soon!


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Furry Friends for the Food Bank!

Did you know that here at the shelter we have Turkey, Peanut Butter and Jelly, Toffee, Carrot Cake, Macaroni and Cheese, Hershey and Oreo? Sounds like a yummy meal....but it's really just the names of some of the wonderful cats waiting here at the shelter for new homes! celebration of these amazing orphans...we have decided to help another wonderful organization in our community who gives back to those in need. The Oromocto Food Bank is currently in need of school supplies for children of families who need a little extra help at this time.

Starting today, August 25th til September 8th...we will be offering a $10 discount on every single cat adopted if you bring in a donation of school supplies for the food bank.

Not only will you be saving a life...but you will be helping a child in need.

And what better feeling is there in the world?

~Hissy E.~

Monday, August 23, 2010

Brook-My Story Part 2

Hi everyone...I know it's been awhile since I posted to let you know how I've been doing. But I've been spending lots of time relaxing and recuperating since my operation.

My foster mom says that I am an amazing girl. I have fit into her home just perfectly and I am up and around and walking with no problems at all. I even sneak up and down the stairs when no one is looking.

The girls at the shelter are eager for me to come and when I have some free time..I will come in so that they can get some new pics of me to share with you. I want to thank everyone who sent me good thoughts. They definitely helped!

See you soon!


Friday, August 6, 2010

Brook-My Story

Hi there. My name is Brook. I am a rottweiler mix that came to the shelter on July 28, 2010. My good friend Hissy E. has kindly allowed me the use of her blog so that I can tell you my story. Well...part of my story..because it hasn't really ended yet.

I think I'll start my story shortly before I came to the's as good a place as any. You see...I had a home at one time. I wasn't always an orphan. But circumstances beyond my control led me to a long road...all alone..and a kind animal control officer who came and got me and brought me here. When the girls here met me...they noticed that I had a limp and they were concerned enough to take me to the veterinarian and have my leg x-rayed. I'm really glad that they did. Because they quickly realized that I was in pain. My elbow had been dislocated quite a long time ago and no one had ever helped me before. Now...we had to decide what the best way to help me was. After another x-ray to make sure that my other front leg was was decided that the best treatment would be to remove the bad leg so that I wouldn't have anymore long term pain.

I's a little scary. Next week, I am going to have the surgery done and then I get to go stay with a wonderful foster family until I am fully healed. It's going to cost alot of money to have my leg removed...but everyone here at the shelter has fallen in love with me and they know that I am worth it. 7 more days..I will be a changed lady. I will make sure that I keep you updated on my progress. Please keep me in your thoughts and if you'd like to come and visit me before my operation..I'll be here...waiting.
