Can you imagine what it looks like to see hundreds of yellow rubber ducks floating on the St John River?? Well....now's your chance to find out! We're having a RUBBER DUCK DERBY!
On October 2, 2010 we will be launching the ducks to see which one crosses the finish line first. And there's a $500 prize for the person who has bought the duck with the matching number! That would buy ALOT of tuna and cat toys! Special THANK YOU to Debbie Foley who sponsored this fun event! Two paws up Debbie!
So...my advice...drop into the shelter to buy your rubber duck ticket. Or you can find as at the Regent Mall (by Walmart) on September 24th and 25th and at the Fredericton SPCA Pet Expo on September 25th and 26th.
I wish I could go...but the girls said they'd take lots of pictures. All I really need is the name and phone number of the person who wins...............
~Hissy E.~
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