Who ever thought that I would get used to having a whole bunch of puppies around? Not me! But over the last few weeks, I haven't had much choice. We've had litter after litter, after puppy after puppy coming through our doors and finding new homes.
It started with a call from the Bathurst SPCA saying that they needed help because they had too many dogs. The staff and foster parents jumped into action and decided that we would help out and take 9 of the babies into our care to find them new homes. Then several calls from the NBSPCA with a single puppy and then a litter of 8 little ones who had been found in a box. Once again...our foster parents jumped at the chance to help.
Thankfully, all of the puppies have found homes except for the last litter of 8 who are just now ready to be adopted. They're cute little babies. I hate to admit it. And I'll deny it if you repeat it to anyone else.
It's a great feeling to be able to help. And an even greater feeling to see a family find their new companion. That's why we're here. Because they need us.
Love the outfits! Pups are cute.