Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The A-Team!

Last month, the NBSPCA seized almost 200 dogs in 2 seperate incidents. That's ALOT of dogs!! And even though, I'm a cat and I think that dogs are inferior...I would never ever want them to suffer. So I am so grateful to the NBSPCA inspectors and our team of volunteers from the Oromocto SPCA who gave many many hours of their time to help vaccinate, deworm, process and make all 189 of these canines comfortable. Our shelter alone took in over 70 of these wonderful souls. And I'm happy to report that they are all doing well!!

Take a look at the faces in these pictures...those are the faces of some of the most caring, amazing people that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. We are lucky that the A-Team is our team!!

~Mrs. McCave~

Friday, November 4, 2011

Hope Comes in Many Forms

First things first...I need to introduce myself. My name is Mrs. McCave. You can call me Mrs. McCave. I am the new office cat. A little while ago, Agatha was adopted and I sneaked my way into the new position. I'm pretty good at it but I'm still learning. One thing I've managed to figure out perfectly is how to get little pieces of the girls' lunch. The rest will follow.

Secondly, I want to tell you all about something pretty amazing that happened recently. Some wonderful people who are part of The Meeting Place Church got together and decided to raise some money for us after we had a theft here in the summertime. Many Many people stepped up to help us after that theft, and we are SO grateful. What made this particular donation so special was that these amazing people, are homeless. Homeless people looking out for homeless animals. It touched us to our core.

So to return the kindness, the staff at the shelter decided to surprise these amazing men and women. They took pizza and pop and ice cream and spent the evening talking and getting to know these angels. There were tears and laughter and so many Thank You's.

But honestly...we took away so much more from this experience than just the monetary part of it. These angels gave us back our hope. Sometimes, hope comes in funny ways...sometimes in a used jar of honey garlic sauce filled with change.

~Mrs. McCave~

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Did you know that when you adopt a dog...you save 2 lives? The life of the dog you have adopted, and the life of another dog who is waiting. It's a win/win situation....for you, for the dog, and for us...because we get to help more orphans who need us.

We have alot of dogs here right now. WAY too many. Of course, as a cat, I think one is too many. So I've decided to overthrow the staff and drop the adoption fees to only $75. Maybe that will help get some of these dogs out of here. I'll just have to keep an eye on the girls...they're bound to just fill the place up again with more dogs. My work here is truly never done....


Sunday, August 7, 2011

6 More Days...

Only 6 more days to our new fundraiser...Barkitecture! The decorative doghouses have been coming in and are ready to be auctioned off on Saturday.

We hope that you will drop into the shelter on Saturday at 1pm to take part and help us raise money for the homeless dogs and cats. Cause even though it's called "Bark"itecture...us cats will benefit too!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

July Success!

We had a wonderful July this year! It was busy as usual, with 59 cats and kittens finding their way to the shelter in need of care and attention and a second chance. And because of our campaign to get as many adult cats and kittens into new homes during that month...I am proud to say that 61 of them were adopted by new, loving homes!!
We are so excited and proud! Now on to August...
The work never stops...the door rarely closes...and our hearts never shut down. There are still so many that need homes...
Maybe August will be my lucky month. :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Heat + Dogs in Vehicles = Tragedy

The summer heat has finally arrived. I love summer....lounging in the window, basking in the sun, the cool breeze of the air conditioner....but the reality is that every single year...dogs die because they are left in vehicles in the hot sun.

Many people just don't realize how quickly the temperature can rise in a very short time inside a car. It's extremely dangerous...and more often than not...deadly.

If you see a dog in a car during the summer, even if the windows are rolled down a little, the situation can turn drastic in just a few minutes. Please do not walk away...monitor the situation and if the dog is in distress...please call your local shelter or police station. It literally could mean the difference between life and death.

This website has terrific information. Pass it on. The life you help save is worth it.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Milo-A Success Story

For 6 months, Milo lived at our shelter, waiting for the right family to come and fall in love with him. The staff and volunteers already loved him....we knew how incredible he was...and now...a whole family knows too!! Milo was adopted last week after spending almost 10 months in a shelter environment...4 months at the Saint John Animal Rescue League before coming to us.

We are so excited and proud and grateful all at the same time. Excited that Milo has graduated to a family of his own...proud that we had a part in helping him become the wonderful canine that he is today and grateful to his new family who were able to see exactly what we all saw...a dog with so much love to give to the people he loves!

It's moments like these that keep us all doing what we do...loving our job, caring for the animals who come to us, and knowing that we're making a difference.

Thank you to everyone who volunteers, donates, and adopts...because of you...dogs like Milo have happy endings too.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Good Manners=Good Dogs

We've been running classes for several years now for dogs. We like to call them Manners Classes. It makes sense that if your dog has good manners, they're a better part of your community and your family. (Cats don't have this problem...we're always good mannered).

To date...we've helped hundreds and hundreds of families teach their dogs how to be good citizens. And now...we want to make it even easier...we want to make sure that all dogs have a chance to attend class. So we've come up with a plan...

From now on...all dogs adopted from the Oromocto and Area SPCA and the Fredericton SPCA will be eligible to take the classes for only $50! We want to make sure that these special dogs have every opportunity to become special members of their new family.

Sometimes, it's about being proactive instead of reactive.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Silly Boy Dog!

It was a beautiful warm day at the shelter today. So the dogs decided to have a little swim...well...Milo sort of hogged the pond! Now you see why cats don't like water!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Gunner and His Ears

This is Gunner. He's a shepherd mix who has been living with us for a couple of months now. He came to us with raging infections in both of his ears. His "people" obviously didn't take him to a veterinarian to get him help. So we did.

With the help of our Yelp for Help Fund, we were able to have both of Gunner's ears operated on. That was a month ago...and now...he's feeling much better. Well enough that he has started to play with the other dogs here at the shelter.

We are so happy that we were able to help him. Now we just have one thing left to do...and that's to find him a home with people who will love him as much as we do.

Sometimes, I find it truly amazing that animals like Gunner, loving, sweet, and forgiving, find themselves with no home too call their own. Even me.

I wish we could talk so that we could tell all of the people here at the shelter how much we appreciate them. I hope that they know.

To all shelters and their staff and volunteers...thank you! Even though we don't have words to say it...you are appreciated!


Sunday, May 29, 2011

3 More Days...

There are whiskers up to the ceiling,

There are whiskers all over the floor,

So if you should get that feeling

To adopt a cat or more...

Please come to the shelter to visit,

There are kitties that wait for you there,

With dreams of a home and a person to love,

One who will show them they care.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Great Day!

Every day is a good day when animals find a new home. But some days...are GREAT days! Days like today...when one of our long-time, senior residents finds a home.

Tracker, our senior german shepherd, was adopted today and is on his way to his new home in PEI. His new family understands that he needs a retirement home. That he has tons of love to give but just needed the right people to give it to. We think he found that.

Thank you to his new family who was willing to take a chance on an elderly dog. We hope that you love him as much as we do.

~The Staff~

Friday, May 13, 2011

Feline Friday

Awww............................these cute kittens are currently in foster care growing bigger and healthier until they are ready to find homes of their own. Kitten season is officially here.....


Monday, May 9, 2011

Yelp for Help

Over the last few weeks we have had several cats and dogs come into the shelter needing extensive surgeries and veterinary care. Because of our Yelp for Help Fund, these cats and dogs have recieved the care they so badly needed and deserved. Please take a minute to read about Tortilla, Chicklet, Gunner and Ziggy...and consider making a donation to this TRULY life-saving fund.



Monday, April 25, 2011

Puppies R Us

Who ever thought that I would get used to having a whole bunch of puppies around? Not me! But over the last few weeks, I haven't had much choice. We've had litter after litter, after puppy after puppy coming through our doors and finding new homes.

It started with a call from the Bathurst SPCA saying that they needed help because they had too many dogs. The staff and foster parents jumped into action and decided that we would help out and take 9 of the babies into our care to find them new homes. Then several calls from the NBSPCA with a single puppy and then a litter of 8 little ones who had been found in a box. Once again...our foster parents jumped at the chance to help.

Thankfully, all of the puppies have found homes except for the last litter of 8 who are just now ready to be adopted. They're cute little babies. I hate to admit it. And I'll deny it if you repeat it to anyone else.

It's a great feeling to be able to help. And an even greater feeling to see a family find their new companion. That's why we're here. Because they need us.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Volunteer Extraordinaire!

Meet Diana...she's one of our amazing angel volunteers. She has been helping to save lives here at the shelter for a long time...about 6 years!! She helps in the shelter when we need her, she collects all of our penny cans and rolls the money to help low income families get their cats spayed or neutered and most importantly, she is a foster parent to animals who need some extra special love and care. Over the years, Diana has fostered countless cats and kittens, dogs and their puppies and even animals who are recuperating from very serious surgeries. Just in the last year, she has helped a dog named Brooke who had to have her leg amputated and right now, she is fostering a dog named Ziggy who had been hit by a car and had to have surgery on his leg.

I know you can tell that we think Diana is incredible. And now...other people know it too. Last week was Volunteer Appreciation Week, and Diana was one of only 8 people to recieve the United Way Outstanding Volunteer Award for 2011. She deserved it. And we're proud and grateful that she has picked us.

Without her...our shelter would not be the same. She is an integral part of our team. And we love her.

Diana...2 Paws Up for being the amazing, big-hearted lady that you are! Thank You for all that you do.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bad to the Bone!

Is it just me or is spring finally here?? The snow is almost all gone, the temperature is rising...and everyone wants to spend time outside...even me! But for some reason...the girls at the shelter weren't very happy about me getting outside. Is it my fault that someone left the front door open? Is it my fault if the second time, someone left the door open again?

I have to admit though...once I got outside...I was pretty scared. I couldn't wait to get back inside!

So...I guess I've decided that being an indoor cat is MUCH better than being an outdoor cat. Not as dangerous, or scary, or lonely.

Besides...if I wait here patiently...my new family will come in, meet me, fall in love, and adopt me...just the incentive I need to stay put!


Monday, March 28, 2011

Kitten Season has Begun!

It's inevitable...no matter how much we pray, cross our fingers, knock on wood...every spring kitten season arrives with a bang and alot of pregnant cats and kittens!!

I think at last count, we had 5 cats in our foster program who are either pregnant, just gave birth, or have had a litter of babies. And it's still early in the year! Yeesh! It's a good thing that our shelter has an amazing group of people who open their homes to these cats...can you imagine having to give birth and take care of your babies in a cage?

I hope you enjoy some of the pics that I've posted...the cuteness factor is through the roof!


Monday, March 14, 2011

Week one...Done!

I have my first week as office cat/greeter under my belt and I think it went pretty well! After being mistaken for Hissy Elliott about a zillion times, people are finally beginning to realize that I'm not her...I'm me! I know they're big kitty paws to fill....but I'm doing a good job. I guess it doesn't really help that the staff has dressed me up like Hissy....same purple colored collar..same yellow microchip tag, same red heart tag....are they maybe trying to tell me something?

Anyway...I have to tell you..it's kind of fun wandering around the shelter, checking to see what the girls are eating for lunch (even though I don't really want any of it), sitting and staring at the 2 new little poodle mixed dogs and making them bark at me. Don't worry though...I sit far enough away from them that they can't get me...some people call it "teasing" , but I just call it "observing".

I did want to tell you a little bit about a new program that we have just started here...it's called the Barn Cat Buddies. If you can offer a safe haven for an undersocialized, friendly feline...this program is for you. All Barn Cat Buddies will be spayed or neutered, vaccinated, dewormed and microchipped before leaving the shelter. Please contact the shelter for more details...or check out our website... www.oromoctospca.ca/content/247182

Stay tuned for more news...things are always hopping here at the shelter!


Monday, March 7, 2011


Hi everyone! My name is Agatha and I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself seeing as I'm going to be your new blogger!

I'm a 2 and a half year old spayed female kitty. I'm all black except for a few little white hairs under my chin. I have been with the shelter since last summer when I was found with my litter of babies, abandoned. I've been living here ever since, waiting patiently for my new home.

Days spent here at the shelter are, for the most part, quiet and relaxing. The house is cleaned every day, we get treats every morning, people visit and bring us toys and cuddle with us...and sometimes, one of us finds just the right people and we get to go home and live happily ever after with them!!! So...you can imagine my surprise when a few days ago...there was MUCH excitement going on and things were changing!

Hissy Elliot, who you all know quite well, came to me and told me something VERY exciting was happening! She was finally, after almost 2 long years, going to live with a family of her very own! "But, but...what about your blog? What about the office cat duties?", I said. And that's when she gave me the surprise of my life...

"I'd like you to take over", she said. I couldn't believe it. Me? Really? Did I think I could do it?

Well...as you can see...it didn't take alot of convincing. I've been the office cat for three days now and I think I'm doing a pretty good job. I greet people when they come in, get to share the girls' lunches (that's the best part) and even get extra snuggles during the day.

Don't get me wrong...I still haven't given up hope of finding a family of my very own...but for now...this is a pretty good deal!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Passing the Torch

Well...it's been fun. But this is my last blog...I AM GOING TO MY NEW HOME TODAY!!!! After 2 years of waiting, bumming food from the girls, greeting visitors, and being the amazing cat that I am...it's time for me to move on and start my new job as lazy house cat.

I'm pretty excited...and a little nervous. I'll miss everyone here at the shelter. And I know that they're going to miss me too. But I deserve this. I deserve to have a home of my own, with people of my own, and a window to sit in of my own.

I have decided to pass the job of office cat/blogger onto my friend Agatha. I think she'll do a great job. Please drop in to visit her and say Hi.

Thank you to everyone who brought me treats, scratched my ears, and came to visit all of us! Don't stop visiting...Agatha will be happy to greet you!

~Hissy E.~

Monday, February 28, 2011

SNAP-A Burlesque Review

Hey...did you know that a whole bunch of animal groups are getting together to put on a really neat Burleque show? It's true...on May 7th..at the Ecole Sainte-Anne Theater in Fredericton. There are 2 shows...one in the afternoon and one at night so everyone can attend! And tickets are only $22.50 if you buy them beforehand.

And here's the best part...all of the proceeds are going to help a whole bunch of special animals. Animals right here at the Oromocto and Area SPCA (like me)...animals at the Fredericton SPCA who are homeless too. The Kindness Club...they teach kids how to be kind and how to treat animals properly so that they never end up homeless or abused. Ca-R-Ma..they're a group who helps feral cats by making sure they can't have more babies and making sure that they are healthy and warm and have full tummies. Chickadee Cat Club who is a group of people who like cats ALOT...and the Ferret Lovers Society of Atlantic Canada..they help ferrets who can't stay in their homes anymore by finding them new loving families.

So....as you can see...alot of deserving animals are going to be helped just by you going out and enjoying yourself by seeing a GREAT show!

So drop into the shelter and get your ticket!!! It's for a good cause!


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Looking for Heroes!

Do you know someone who is a hero for animals? Someone who has made a difference in the lives of homeless, abandoned or abused animals?

We are looking for our 2012 calender models for our "Heroes for the Homeless" calender and we want your help!

Email your nominations name and story to ospcaexec.director@nb.aibn.com and they could be one of our new calender men or women!

~Hissy E~

Monday, February 14, 2011

Lyme Disease IS in New Brunswick.

This week we recieved a dog from the NBSPCA who had been found in pretty bad shape a few weeks ago. After a trip to the local veterinarian and some blood work, it was discovered that Huey has Lyme disease.

Lyme disease is caused by ticks who carry it and it can be debilitating with no treatment.

Huey is on medication and is doing VERY well! His message is clear...PLEASE talk to your vet about flea and tick medication! Do NOT buy over the counter products.

Spring is just around the corner...please help protect your companion!

~Hissy E.~

Monday, January 31, 2011

Meet Chandler and Milo

We have 2 new canine friends that I thought you should all meet. Their names are Chandler and Milo and they used to live at the Saint John SPCA Animal Rescue. But now they live with us.

Chandler, the golden retriever mix, had been living at the Saint John shelter for just over 6 months and no one wanted to adopt him! We don't really understand why...he's so sweet and so friendly, and he loves everyone that he meets. I guess the right family just hasn't come along yet. We think that he might have better luck here. He definitely deserves it. So if you know someone who might be looking for a handsome, loving new friend...Chandler is here waiting!

Milo is a 1 year old mixed breed dog. He had been living at the Saint John shelter for a couple of months too. People kept overlooking him because he has SO much energy! But he's only young...and he wants to play. You'd act silly too if you didn't get enough exercise and attention every day. So we are working hard to make sure that Milo gets walked every single day, and at least 10-15 minutes of playtime and running around so that he can burn off some of that fun energy that he has. He really wants to find a family that has time to play with him...maybe even people who like to do dog sports like agility or fly ball....he would LOVE that.

So come and meet our newest additions. And tell all your friends to visit too. Together we can find these boys just the right home!

~Hissy E.~

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hearts for the Homeless

Did you know that for just $2, you can help support one of the homeless animals that lives here at the shelter? It's true!! It's not alot of money...but it goes a LONG way to help us live comfortably, safely and in good health!!

During the whole month of February, you can visit one of the businesses below and purchase a paper heart that will be displayed with your name on it. It shows that you care. It shows that you want to make a difference to an orphan animal.

You can drop into...

Oromocto and Area SPCA

Pawsative Rewards

Oromocto Veterinary Hospital


Coco Beach


Douglas Veterinary Hospital

All About Animals

The Barking Lot

Toronto Dominion Bank-Oromocto

Pizza Twice

Body Electric

Thank you to everyone who will buy a heart and help save a life. Don't forget...it's only $2.

~Hissy E.~

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wanna win a Montreal Canadiens Jersey?

The Oromocto Veterinary Hospital is a HUGE supporter of our shelter and the animals who live here. And along with all of the medical support that they give us every day...they also do a fundraiser for us each year. And this year...they are selling tickets on a SIGNED Patrick Roy Montreal Canadiens hockey jersey.

Imagine...it's even signed by Patrick Roy! That's pretty cool. Even for a non-sport loving kitty cat like me.

So....tickets are limited. Only 500 are being sold. And the draw is on February 1st. SO you better hurry and get yours before time is up.

And don't forget...all of the money raised helps us orphans. And we need your help.

~Hissy E.~

Monday, January 17, 2011

More Happy Updates!

Remember our bunnies? Grayson and Tanner? They had been living here for just over 8 months...sweet little fluffy guys. Well...they have FINALLY found a home to call their very own! And we are very very very very excited. It's so nice to know that they are now in a home where they will get lots of attention, and brushing and treats and love. They deserve it!

Remember Madison? She was one of my feline friends who had been living here for 1 year! Not as long as me...but she was second in line for the title. She has found her forever home too!

And remember Clayton? He was the 10 month old lab mix who had been living here for just over 5 months. He has found his new home too!!!!

So as you can tell...the weekend was amazing! Lots of smiles and hugs and good-byes. The best kinds of smiles and hugs and good-byes. :)


Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Guess what?? Polar found his forever home!! We are very very excited for him. He deserved it after all he had been through.

Polar...good luck with your new family! We were lucky to have met you.

~Hissy E.~

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Million Penny Challenge-Update

I know it's been a few months since I've mentioned the million penny challenge. It might be because I've been so busy rolling pennies...or maybe just because I've been so busy watching everyone else roll pennies. Either way...I just wanted to let everyone know that we are almost at the $3,000 mark!! Wow...that's ALOT of pennies!!

So...we still have a little way to go to reach our goal. But I know that we can do it with your help. And just remember...every single penny goes into a special account that is marked for our "Yelp for Help fund". This fund helps us pay for special medical attention for cats like Polar, who needed his tail amputated. And for Benedict, our mastiff mix who needed a lump removed from his foot. Without your help...these special souls might not get the care they so desperately need.

So...remember...we can do this together. Every single day I see little miracles happening right here in this building...we can make this one happen too.

~Hissy E.~