Hi everyone! My name is Agatha and I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself seeing as I'm going to be your new blogger!
I'm a 2 and a half year old spayed female kitty. I'm all black except for a few little white hairs under my chin. I have been with the shelter since last summer when I was found with my litter of babies, abandoned. I've been living here ever since, waiting patiently for my new home.
Days spent here at the shelter are, for the most part, quiet and relaxing. The house is cleaned every day, we get treats every morning, people visit and bring us toys and cuddle with us...and sometimes, one of us finds just the right people and we get to go home and live happily ever after with them!!! So...you can imagine my surprise when a few days ago...there was MUCH excitement going on and things were changing!
Hissy Elliot, who you all know quite well, came to me and told me something VERY exciting was happening! She was finally, after almost 2 long years, going to live with a family of her very own! "But, but...what about your blog? What about the office cat duties?", I said. And that's when she gave me the surprise of my life...
"I'd like you to take over", she said. I couldn't believe it. Me? Really? Did I think I could do it?
Well...as you can see...it didn't take alot of convincing. I've been the office cat for three days now and I think I'm doing a pretty good job. I greet people when they come in, get to share the girls' lunches (that's the best part) and even get extra snuggles during the day.
Don't get me wrong...I still haven't given up hope of finding a family of my very own...but for now...this is a pretty good deal!