Hi everyone! 2010 is almost over and 2011 is just around the corner! A new year...time to start fresh. And because everyone else is busy making New Years resolutions...I thought I would make a few of my own.
For starters, I've decided to be much more patient. I promise not to get too upset when it takes the staff a long time to share their lunch.
I'm also going to be friendlier. I promise not to hiss at new cats and dogs when they first come into the shelter. I really must learn to share my "home" with those less fortunate.
I will respect others property. I will not put all of the pens on the floor and sit in the box of calenders on the desk.
I will not be as curious and blame the staff when I get locked in places I should not be in the first place.
I will try to be more active and greet the visitors instead of lounging in my bed all day.
I think that pretty much covers any of my "bad" habits. It's going to be a long road...but I can do it. And if I don't...well...the staff and visitors will love me anyway. I'm just that special. :)
~Hissy. E~