This is a picture of a dog that many of you may know as Ronald. He was a pomeranian who suffered greatly at the hands of a human before coming to our shelter. I didn't get to meet him, but the girls here who knew him often talk about how special he was. They say that he taught them about what it means to be a fighter and to love life. He also taught them that even though there are people in the world who don't value an animal's life, there are so so many more who do. Ronald was also known as CareBear. A very special lady adopted him and renamed him in honor of all the people who had to come together to care for Ronald that day. CareBear has sinced passed away, but we hope that the legacy he leaves behind will continue to honor him and all of the other animals that have come here and been saved.
Now, the shelter has started a fund called Yelp for Help. This fund will allow people to donate money that will go directly to helping animals who come to us needing emergency medical attention. Animals like Carebear. And Pirate, a little kitten who had to have his eye removed because it was so badly infected and couldn't be saved. And Rocky, who came to us emaciated and terrified after living tied to a doghouse for 7 years with barely any food or human contact. And Clint, who needed his leg amputated after a bad fall. Or Buddy, the puppy who had a broken pelvis after being beaten with a golf club. The list goes on and on.
We hope that this fund will help the shelter to save everyone who comes to us for a second chance. I might not have needed special medical attention...but they saved my life. Now with everyone's help...we can save more.
If you'd like to donate to this fund, please let the girls know when you come into the shelter. They will make sure that it happens. And if you're mailing us a donation, put in a little note to let us know that it's for Yelp for Help. I promise to keep you posted on all of the animals that this money helps. ~Hissy.E~