Saturday, April 24, 2010

Outstanding Volunteer Award

On Thursday night, April 23/10 the United Way recognized one of our amazing volunteers...Susan Sears. We all knew that Susan was pretty special so we're really happy that she's getting the recognition that she deserves. She helped us get this new building that we live in built. She helped raise lots of money to keep the shelter open and every week she (and her husband Willie) sort all of our recyclable bottles and take them to the recycling depot. She has also been the one responsible for getting our newsletter done over the last several years. She has done ALOT for the orphan animals here at the shelter!

Sadly, Susan and her husband are moving this year. It will be a huge loss for the shelter and we will miss her so much. We hope she has much happiness in the future and maybe some day...we will be lucky enough to have her come back to this area. Until then....Good Luck Susan! Please know that you have left a spot in our hearts that will be hard to fill. ~Hissy.E~


  1. What is truly special are the staff and volunteers of the shelter! Without you, God knows how many animals would be left to die! The world is such a better place with the good folks at the shelter! Thank YOU ALL for all of the inspiration you have given me over the past several years. The time that I have volunteered could still never match the dedication and time spent by the shelter staff to ensure that all animals that come to the shelter find good homes!

    My sincerest thanks to all of you who have made my time at the shelter so fulfilling and opening my eyes to the behind the scenes of what really happens to those unfortunate animals that find themselves homeless of no fault of their own.

    Thank you all and I will miss each and every one of you!

  2. Susan...thank you so much. Thank you for being a friend to all of us here at the shelter. Thank you for your humor when the days are bad and your shoulder when they're worse. Thank you for being an amazing example of caring and empathy and heart. YOU have helped us save countless lives. We will miss you so much and we hope that you come home soon. made the little one cry.
