Friday, April 16, 2010

All About Me!

So...just a day before we start our "sale" on felines....Romeo found a home! I think that's a pretty good start. Let's hope that during the next week I will be saying goodbye to alot more of the cats here. Even I get excited when one of the animals here finds a forever home. When my turn comes.....I will expect nothing less than tears of joy from all of the girls.

You remember a few days ago that the girls put a collar and bell on me so that I couldn't hide in fun places anymore? Well...I decided that if they were taking away my sneaking, the least they could do is give me lots of treats. And by treats I mean, whatever they have for lunch. I'm not fussy. I love crackers and soup, alpha-getti, stir fry, chinese food, cake, burgers, chicken. And because I am so sweet and beautiful, they just can't resist. Oh, a few of them will say that I have "stolen" bites. It's not true. I am not a thief. If it's on the table and no one is eating's mine. That is not stealing.

Well...I would love to blog some more...but there's a stray butter tart in the kitchen that seems to need a home. I really need to check to see if it's ok. Hope to see you when you come to adopt one of the kitties. And by know that I mean me. ~Hissy.E~

1 comment:

  1. Oh, good luck with the adopt-a-thon, Miss Hissy!
    How fortunate your shelter is to have such a fine feline on staff!

    ((hugs)) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena
