Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Special Person

This is a picture of a very special young lady with her friends and all of the presents that she recieved for her birthday. Brianna is in the middle. I don't know if you noticed, but the presents she recieved were not what you would normally see at a young lady's party. It was all stuff for us here at the shelter! Toys and treats and even bottles of stuff so that the girls can keep everything clean! We were so excited. It was almost like Christmas again.

Brianna is a pretty special person. This is not the first time that she has brought us presents for her birthday. She actually brings us stuff all the time! I wish that everyone was like Brianna. I think that the world would be a much better place for all of the homeless animals. Actually, I think that it would be a much better place for everyone.

Brianna...you get two paws up from me! And next time you come to visit...there might even be a cuddle or two waiting for you. Thanks Brianna. We think you're amazing! ~Hissy.E~


  1. What an amazing young lady. Her friends are also pretty special for helping her provide for the less fortunate animals. She gets several paws up from the Thompson Tigers.

  2. WOW! So wonderful! AND inspiring...
