Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Twins....times 2?????

I guess we spoke too soon. Twins would have been fun....but quadruplets? That is a little more than I had anticipated. How can I be godmother to 4 new babies? The Christmas presents alone are going to cost me a fortune!!

It seems that Homer and Angel really want to be parents and are making up for lost time. Everyone here is anxiously awaiting to see what happens. Hopefully, in a couple of weeks I will be able to show you pictures of the babies who have hatched. Maybe you could start thinking of names now.....I really could use the help. I think Homer and Angel will be too busy showing off.

Now...if you'd like to bring gifts for the new babies...I suggest catnip, tuna and little furry toy mice. They'll love those. Trust me.



  1. Oh my gosh!! Two sets of twins!! Wow!! That is pawsome!
    Hmmm...catnip?? Are you sure?
    Well, if you say, then it must be so.

    (((hugs)) your friends
    Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

  2. It is amazing isn't it? And birds LOVE's true.
    ~Hissy E.~

  3. Could one of the babies be named Zoey? After my very own angel?

  4. Jane...Zoey is definitely on the list.

