This is a picture of a dog that many of you may know as Ronald. He was a pomeranian who suffered greatly at the hands of a human before coming to our shelter. I didn't get to meet him, but the girls here who knew him often talk about how special he was. They say that he taught them about what it means to be a fighter and to love life. He also taught them that even though there are people in the world who don't value an animal's life, there are so so many more who do. Ronald was also known as CareBear. A very special lady adopted him and renamed him in honor of all the people who had to come together to care for Ronald that day. CareBear has sinced passed away, but we hope that the legacy he leaves behind will continue to honor him and all of the other animals that have come here and been saved.
Now, the shelter has started a fund called Yelp for Help. This fund will allow people to donate money that will go directly to helping animals who come to us needing emergency medical attention. Animals like Carebear. And Pirate, a little kitten who had to have his eye removed because it was so badly infected and couldn't be saved. And Rocky, who came to us emaciated and terrified after living tied to a doghouse for 7 years with barely any food or human contact. And Clint, who needed his leg amputated after a bad fall. Or Buddy, the puppy who had a broken pelvis after being beaten with a golf club. The list goes on and on.
We hope that this fund will help the shelter to save everyone who comes to us for a second chance. I might not have needed special medical attention...but they saved my life. Now with everyone's help...we can save more.
If you'd like to donate to this fund, please let the girls know when you come into the shelter. They will make sure that it happens. And if you're mailing us a donation, put in a little note to let us know that it's for Yelp for Help. I promise to keep you posted on all of the animals that this money helps. ~Hissy.E~
Little Pirate, the one eyed kitty is doing well. His depth perception is a little off but he is learning to deal with that. He is very mischevious. Kleenex is a favourite toy and when he gets hold of any, they are shredded into fine pieces. He also loves to steal socks, pens, paper...basically anything that isn't nailed down. When he can't find anything else, he can be heard talking to himself and thumping around the house while chasing his own tail and occasionally catching it! lol He has a sweet personality. For the first few days he hid every time someone came into the room. Now he just watches people from his spot on the couch or the floor without running for cover. I can't imagine life without him now. He is a part of the family!
ReplyDeletea little careBear I remember when Diane first got you, sitting outside walmart patting you and thinking how freakin adorable you were....you will be missed.... for sure... xoxox
ReplyDeleteOh such sad news. RIP little guy.
ReplyDeleteYelp for Help is a fantastic idea!
So sad to hear of your passing little guy. I'm from the prairies and have followed the horrendous story of your life from beginning to end. You were an inspiration to us all. Rest in peace.
ReplyDeleteI am the special lady,Tracy so kindly referred to who adopted Care Bear but don't take those words out of the context they should be in...the ONLY thing that is special about me was that I was both honored and privileged to have been chosen by the staff at the Ormocto SPCA to adopt Care Bear & Reba,who also came from the same raid. For all of you who have so loved,cared,and followed the horrific story of these dogs I'd like to take a moment to tell you,through the tears that ALWAYS still come any time I write about him or hear about the changes that are occurring because of him, that the last part of Care Bear's life WAS the type that all of you who cared so much about him would have given him yourself, if you had had him instead of me. If you think about what I did...adopted him...I can honestly say..that's EXACTLY what I did, I ADOPTED him with everything in me and everything I had to give..NOT from the moment I picked him up at the shelter but from the moment I,like you,adopted him when the news first hit the media about these dogs. Care Bear was SO,SO LOVED by me that I am not ashamed to admit that I am STILL not over his death and NEVER want to be because now,because of him,Reba,and the rest of their friends that were in that raid, I fight even HARDER, in whatever way I can, to make a difference in getting things changed so that other animals now and in the future have the life that they deserve to have...I sign petitions,donate,hound politicians,fight to help save a dog who seems lost in our justice system as it now stands and,if fortunate enough to be chosen,adopt them like Care Bear,Reba and now, I'm also so happy to say that Clint,the 3 legged pomeranian Tracy referred to is now part of Reba's and my family. So,yes,I cry a LOT over Care Bear because of the love I had for him as his Mom and the pain of his death,but I also cry even MORE over the difference he and his friends are making so that others will not have the life they did. Each time I hear or read about changes that are occurring because of them,the tears start again but at least there's now tears of joy also mixed with the pain-filled ones because things ARE changing because of my baby but we STILL have a long way to go!!! So,as Care Bear's Mom, I plead with anyone reading this to do as I am,keep fighting and doing what you can to encourage others to do the same and do what I do,every time there's another chance to do something to do something to help these animals,because EVERYTHING you do,DOES make a difference. Picture Care Bear and remember him. It WILL keep you fighting. I know,believe me,I KNOW. Thank you all so very,very much for how much you all loved Care Bear and please rest assured no one could have loved him MORE than I did and still do. xoxo
ReplyDeleteI am a newbie at blogs and don't know if there's a word limit which is why this one followed the other. I can not stress enough how very,very fortunate Canada,not just New Brunswick, is to have the Oromocto SPCA. I am a USAF military brat,and between both myself and my ex husband being in the CAF did various postings throughout the US and Canada. I have NEVER seen ANY shelter better than the Oromocto SPCA,which is why I support them in all their endeavors,however I can,even though I live in Newfoundland. To me,it's not the location of a shelter that is important...it's what they DO!!! This shelter can teach ANY shelter SOMETHING, I almost guarantee you. From the type of people involved who are all involved for the right reasons like Tracy,Heather,Kelly,Dr Pollard,Oromocto Veterinary Hospital,and ALL the others to what they actually DO. They live up to the word "shelter" and to me,THAT says it all. They CARE about these animals and you'd have to be blind not to see it.They shelter,rescue,provide medical care above and beyond what most shelters do,...in addition,in their spare time????,they work on getting laws changed to better animal's lives...but JUST as important,for the first time in many of their lives the animals passing through this shelter get to experience LOVE and what life should be like for them. It then TOTALLY amazes me the innovative ways they come up with to fund raise!
ReplyDeleteAnd THAT'S why I'm posting again. I am so escatic that they are using Care Bear to spearhead the Yelp For Help and as his proud Momma,my donation will be made,over and over,as often as I can. I encourage all of you to do the same. I also want to carry my request a step further and ask you to support this shelter in EVERY way you can for WHATEVER appeal they make. I know from past donations I have made that ALL donations of anything are so very gratefully appreciated and put to the best use possible. I'm not rich,actually probably closer to poor LOL,so I value every dollar I have like I'm sure you do,so I'm not asking you all to make large donations you can't afford but just to give whatever you can spare...you'd be amazed at how a couple of dollars here,here and here from all of us can add up for this shelter along with cans/bags of food,treats,toys,etc. Also,if you live near...help out with the animals in the shelter or consider fostering if you can't adopt an animal....but if you CAN adopt...THIS is the shelter for you,my friend!!!!! Help them to do what they do so well. This shelter is changing things....SUPPORT THEM!!!!! xoxoxo
Thank you so very much for the amazing support Diane! We try our very best to make this shelter a home for the orphans until they can find a forever home of their own. Your kind words go a very long way...right to our hearts. Thank you!